January 31, 2017



SESSION I A Circular Future with Plastics (in Spanish language with simultaneous translation in English language)

14.00h Presentation of the Conferences, Luis Rodrigo, President of ANAIP

14.05h Welcome to participants and Opening of the Summit “A Circular Future with Plastics” by Francisco Javier Garzón Morales, Consejero Delegado of ICEX.

14.15h ‘Circular economy and plastic converters’ by Juan Andrés Álvarez, Technical Manager I+D, Quality and Environment, Armando Alvarez Group.

14.45h ‘Circular Economy: Plastics in the Automotive sector’, Luis Leal Puertas, Corporate Innovation, Antolín Group

15.15h ‘Circular economy and plastic producers’ by Roberto M. Gómez Bernardo, Technical Advisor Polyolefins, REPSOL

15.45h ‘Waste Free Oceans’ by Itziar Martín, Manager of Technical Affaires, Division for the Protection of the Sea, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment.

16.15h ‘Waste and Circular Economy’ by Margarita Ruiz Saiz-Aja, Subdirectora General Adjunta de Residuos D.G. Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental y Medio Natural at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment

16.45h – 17.15h ‘The Spanish economy, challenges and opportunities’ by Juan Rosell, President of the Spanish Confederation of Employers´Organizations (CEOE) – Closing day 1 –

Moderator session I: Michael Smith – Vice-President of EMEA – Chemical in IHS Markit



SESSION II A Circular Future with Plastics (in English language with simultaneous translation in Spanish language)

10.00h Coffee

10.30h Opening by moderator, Michael Smith, Vice president of EMEA – Chemical at IHS Markit (HIS Markit)

10.35h Welcome by Michael Kundel EuPC President

10.45h The EU plastics Strategy by Daniel Calleja EU Commission DG ENV Director General

11.15h Industrial policy: challenges and opportunities by Mario Buisán, General Director of Industry of SME, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiviness

11.45h Innovations for circular thinking by José Antonio Costa, General Manager of AIMPLAS

Introductions to the debate by:

12.15h  Luc CastinBusiness Manager, General Purpose Vinyls at INOVYN

12.30h Antón Valero, General Manager at Dow Chemical Ibérica

12.45h Gian Debelder, Principal Scientist, Packaging Sustainability R&D at Procter & Gamble

13.00h – 14.00h Panel Debate with additional participation of:

David Baker, General Director in RPC Group PLC
Claude Clément, President and CEO Europe. Plastic Omnium Auto Inergy
Michael Kundel, CEO of RENOLIT
Ton Emans, President of Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE)
Patrick Thomas, World Plastics Council  (WPC)
Gian Debelder, Principal Scientist, Packaging Sustainability R&D at Procter & Gamble
Marcelo Miranda, President of Cicloplast

14:00h María García Rodríguez, Secretaria de Estado de Medioambiente (Spanish Secretary of State of Environment), MAPAMA

14.10h Closing by EuPC President Michael Kundel

Moderator session II: Michael Smith – Vice-President of EMEA – Chemical in IHS Markit

14.30h Walking Lunch, ICEX


